It's been a while since I've posted, huh? Well, I just wanted to say everything is going smoothly. Right now, I have a ton of uncommons that I want to trade for rares, especially rares I already have {they help a ton with trades}. If you are willing to help, please, send me a trade!
I'm going to be on all day today, so please, send over some trades! I'm running low on rares, so if you like uncommons and have rares, boy do I have some trades for you! Haha, thanks to everyone who has helped me with my goal! I'm going to be adding small-time goals soon, and after-goals as well!
Currently looking for C$ Pets. If you have any, even if they aren't on my wishlist, I would love to have them! I have plenty of rares to trade, no worries ^^ Also, things are slowly being updated, yay, so...yep, that's pretty much it!
Thank you guys so much! I've been getting a lot of trades, and tons of generous users have been helping me out. I want to say thanks to everyone, and I promise to do something big once I complete my goal, to give back to all the users here on CS. Again, thank you so much, I hope you realize how much this means to me!